Sunday Scraps #28

Kenneth Frampton’s archive of architecture courses / a 1986 BBC documentary about architecture of social housing in the modernist era / Maiden Lane Estate which, just like Central Hill, looked a little run down but wasn’t worth completely redesigning / on Meredith Frampton’s work which reminds me of Magritte’s / a chocolate and pear pudding… Continue reading Sunday Scraps #28

Sunday Scraps #27

The history of automats, the first acceptable restaurant where women could have a meal alone in the 1920s / Diet for a Small Planet /  an English philosopher who made Zen Buddism quite popular but died of alcoholism / Life begins at 40 in the 1930s because 50 years earlier, I’d be dead by now… Continue reading Sunday Scraps #27

The road is wider than long

I’m turning 40 in a few weeks and since I have little confidence that anyone will, in fact, ask me ‘anything’ at the Thingscon Thingsfest session I’m taking part in, I thought I’d share some perspectives, probably half way down the wide road of life: A body is a machine. My brain and the rest… Continue reading The road is wider than long

Categorized as Rants

Sunday Scraps #26

On being sick of cooking / a universal sign language by the author of The Saint books that never took off / the Women’s Design Service charity is being wound down / Hidden London (virtual) tours / did Newton go mad in Lincolnshire? / the demolition of the Trowbridge estate towers in Hackney Wick /… Continue reading Sunday Scraps #26

Sunday Scraps #25

I was insulted on Professor Gilbert’s behalf when her raising her twins was framed alongside the fact that her husband had quit his job to care of them. The reverse happens every single day and noone writes about it. / Didn’t realise Brassaï had taken time lapse photographs of graffiti carved out of walls in… Continue reading Sunday Scraps #25

Sunday Scraps #24

I have spent most of my time in London in the south (living west at the moment – which I’m still getting used to after over five years) and I would say it does have a different feel. I have probably said before, but there was something quite life-affirming about having to cross the river… Continue reading Sunday Scraps #24

Sunday Scraps #23

How to be alone, a poem / Stag Horn’s Sumach which I spotted in my neighbourhood/ Economics for the people / On the theory of ghosting / Cambridge University Moral Sciences Club / the Australian immigration system has updated its values to describe religious laws as inconsistent / Voter turnout in the US / The… Continue reading Sunday Scraps #23

Sunday Scraps #22

Diamonds made from the carbon in air / Dr. Jessica Taylor’s fantastic 30 lessons learnt for her 30th / the New York Times equivalent of Radio 3’s Slow Radio / Remembering ‘Turning the place over’ by Richard Wilson / his Italian Job bus on top of the De La Warr Pavillion designed by Serge Chermayeff… Continue reading Sunday Scraps #22

Sunday Scraps #21

It’s been 20 years since IDII opened its doors and 14 since it closed them (and I graduated). The founding team is giving a talk about it next month. / Rachel Syme from the NewYorker has started a pen pal thing / Public Practice is looking for Associates to work with local authorities again. /… Continue reading Sunday Scraps #21

Sunday Scraps #20

Loved the work of José Luis Vargas at Carl Freedman Gallery / Beehive design company whose logo Medium stole / The ‘head tooling’ section of Ken Isaacs 1974 book on self builds / A Vogue article on menopause featuring a 48 year old Gwyneth. Whatever. / Ken Miles, the racing car driver / CFP Radio… Continue reading Sunday Scraps #20