Ok,so this whole Zidane and Materazzi thing smells of sour grapes on the part of the FIFA. I mean commmooooon here I’m sure the french don’t exactly go around the field throwing roses at the opponent, so is it really worth it to spend taxpayer’s money on figuring out what exactly insulted the sourly french… Continue reading Whine whine whine, bitch bitch bitch
The end of hits
Great article by Wired editor-in-chief Chris Anderson on the state of the music industry post-peak (before file-sharing). The last “hit” was No strings Attached byN’SYNC surprisingly enough.
Dazed and confused in Amsterdam
I’m using this blog these days as a sort of dumping ground of all my thoughts on my Amsterdam stay as I am cameraless and will be for a little while more, so I hope my Flickr friends will forgive me and start reading me instead. : ) Amsterdam is a strange city of ambiguous… Continue reading Dazed and confused in Amsterdam
How cultural are services?
Something interesting just occurred to me as I familiarize myself with the Dutch and Amsterdam (although I did date a dutch man once and have two great friends who are dutch). Here a waiter is actually paid very well, which is not the case at all in North America usually when young people who have… Continue reading How cultural are services?
Planes, trains and taxis.
Oh my god, this is really the last time I get a stupidly early fllight. My easyjet flight was supposed to leave at 6:10AM so of course in the not-yet-so-european-frequent-flyer attitude I adopt at these times, I decide to try to get there early enough so I don’t have to go through the embarrassment of… Continue reading Planes, trains and taxis.
Ok this whole internet dating thing is really creepy…I’ve gotten, in the span of less than 24 hours an impressive amount of “fans” in their mid to late 30s and already 3 messages… arghhh…I’m deleting my profile, this is too creepy. I think I’ll go back to walking around town on my own… Off to… Continue reading Unplugging
Digital dating
Having a chat with my friend Jude while looking for a knob for her dresser on Portobello Road, we were catching up and we started talking about internet dating. Since I’ve been out of that loop and kindof stuck in the IDII bubble for so long, I wanted to know more. When I was in… Continue reading Digital dating
Cameraless in London (an RCA show description)
I don’t have a camera right now and this is really annoying. It’s an old cliché that “you don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone” but this really made me think about the way that i document my travels (usually through Flickr) and what inspires me. Have we stopped reading? Are we a see-image-only… Continue reading Cameraless in London (an RCA show description)
The long way out…
(Warning…incoming rant) : ) I am now sitting on Richard’s plaid red and white puffy chair writing for the first time in ages and I thought I’d recount my journey door to door from Milan to London last week, simply because through the pain and agony of it, I think there are some design lessons… Continue reading The long way out…
Die Zukunft ist hier
As I catch up some sleep from the past months of continual work and stress, something new arises, an immediate and utter boredom. I guess that’s what happens when you are a workaholic. I also realised that i was going to have to change this blog since I’ve officially graduated and so can no longer… Continue reading Die Zukunft ist hier