Another 8 hour-long sunday brunch sun-dappling, eating lovely home made food and drinking wine, what else is life for? The weather was a bit moody this time around so we had to move inside for the end of it but we had a lovely time. The nice thing about professionals in my field and the… Continue reading Brunch 2.0
I'm not the only one
Complaining about air travel… check out this edition of the show with zefrank: 08-23-06.
Brunch version 1.0
Alex’s place Originally uploaded by merci. The next version tomorrow starting at 12 on Oldenbarneveldtstraat in Amsterdam…might be rain this time around…: /
Alex's sunday brunch, version 2.0
No there are no pixels involved here… its just that’s its the second one i put together and gosh did i meet a whole bunch of new people. Since I don’t know who will show up until they get here, ill post up who I had the pleasure of meeting last time to entice new… Continue reading Alex's sunday brunch, version 2.0
Feeling left out
Arrived Originally uploaded by mbiddulph. Matt is in San francisco at Foo Camp (Friends of O’Reilly) an awesome sounding invite-only web geek conference (or unconference where participants make up the conference by signing up to give talks and people camp out or in this case sleep on office floors) and I can’t help but feeling… Continue reading Feeling left out
Nostalgia 101
I miss my tapes!. Via Computerlove
Force-feeding: Inflight service design thoughts
I am back from a much too short trip to New Zealand ( I will spare you the horrors that followed my initial 11 hour delay, the lost luggage, additional 18 hour delay in Singapore etc… yuck), then back in Amsterdam I went to see the Airworld exhibition at the Stedelijk museum in Amsterdam and… Continue reading Force-feeding: Inflight service design thoughts
I’m slowly getting there…: ) create your own visited countries map
Victoria Universty presentation
I gave a talk at the Victoria University of Wellington in New Zealand on the future of industrial design and interaction design’s influence . You can download the powerpoint show presentation here.
So much for smooth flying
I can now declare I am cursed. It’s monday night and i am still in Amsterdam. I showed up with Matt at the airport only to see on the blinking billboard in red LEDs under the delayed column a 8:00. I didnt know what to think at first: delayed 8 hours? 8 cabbages? No it… Continue reading So much for smooth flying