Dilution of a field

Not sure how I feel about this latest announcement of the RCA‘s new Head of Department Tony Dunne. The Interaction design department (which apart from IDII and Umea was the only other school teaching a less Xerox park approach to the field is renaming itself “Design Interactions”. “The focus of the department is shifting, and… Continue reading Dilution of a field

Trop c'est comme pas assez…

Empty… Originally uploaded by alexandra666. Is a very “quebecer” expression that means that too much is like too little. This is a concept that truly and most definitely applies to communication in large corporations. Having spent the past month in what i will brand as one of the world’s “major communications company” it actually amazed… Continue reading Trop c'est comme pas assez…

Freelancing or Freefalling?

I am on vacation… which is another way to say i’m not working full time, which is another way of saying i’m looking for more work, which just means I’m bored. After just 2 days “off”, I’m getting antsy again, looking for the next thing. Somehow inactivity does not suit me well and I’m not… Continue reading Freelancing or Freefalling?

Categorized as Rants


Me – Yeh I’m really interested in Web 2.0 stuff… My roomate (a product designer) – Web what? sigh…

Categorized as Rants

What's old is new again

I’m at the end of my present project and looking forward to some down time, looking for more opportunities in London as usual, but mostly getting back to blogging and keeping up with the world in general. I saw and ordered a set of tiny cards from the very sweet MOO project (reminded me of… Continue reading What's old is new again

The art of not being a tourist

I hate tourists, i really do. Living in Amsterdam especially highlighted that trait in my already sporadically abrasive personality. I had to walk through the Dam every morning on my way to work and would hold my breath, as i whizzed past herds of lost tourists walking at the speed of a pot-induced crawl, looking… Continue reading The art of not being a tourist

Reputation management

Another web 2.0 endeavor that i got invited to join today Ziki deal with a bolder approach to reputation and identity management online. I like the fact that at least it’s not afraid of saying what it is, something that Linkedinis , in my opinion, is very bad at. Linkedin wants to be a networking… Continue reading Reputation management

Categorized as Thoughts

A thousand ways to scream i love you.

Yes, as any interaction designer, I’m interested in Web 2.0-type things but I’m also interested in seeing how web 2.0 endeavors are scaling, accumulating and their “long tail” as it were. It used to be (and is still the case) you’d read/listen/watch something interesting, well, you’d put it in your bookmarks, you’d send the link… Continue reading A thousand ways to scream i love you.

Categorized as Rants

Fresh Start poster

I showed you the Fresh Start poster a few weeks ago when I first started designing it and now the final versionthat was finished by Dave is online as well. Enjoy and do comment!

Site redesign

So I’ve been thinking of redesigning my website to cater more to my freelancing career and thought I’d post this up to see what people thought. Basically I’m trying to make it more “swarmy” and this just might be the incentive I need to learn Flash (the oh so dreaded and essential tool in my… Continue reading Site redesign