Things aren’t alright in the world so my reading reflects that. Sorry. The six mistakes of man by Cicero is on point / Mr Bean’s house/bunker for cars / the 18thC communes of the Icarians / the Belisha beacon is awesome but most of the cars in my neck of the woods ignore them and… Continue reading Sunday Scraps #66
Sunday Scraps #65
Totally in love with PJ Harvey’s recently released demo of Let England Shake / Mike Mills’ Fireworks and the beautiful reason he started drawing them/ on the South London of BlowUp / Field Notes zine looks nice / a 1997 doco about Gary Oldman who was at the height of his fame and the short… Continue reading Sunday Scraps #65
Sunday Scraps #64
The Business Plot is not an exciting enough term for what may have happened / the George White Scandals is also a strange name / Louise Brookes studied at the Denishawn school / there’s a Leigh Bowery exhibition on / lots of good things in this article on toxic positivity and victim blaming / the… Continue reading Sunday Scraps #64
Sunday Scraps #63
The taxidermied lion of the Gripsholm Castle is a lesson for us all / on japanese kitchens / a BBC documentary on the Brixton riots / the conductor Aaron Copland who developed what became known as the sound of American landscapes / theres a korean pop-up toast restaurant in Granary Square near King’s Cross and… Continue reading Sunday Scraps #63
Sunday Scraps #62
The secret to happiness is there is no secret to happiness / one hundred famous views of Edo / the concrete art of Shizuko Yoshikawa / the photorealistic work of Latvian artist Vija Celmins / the fortification of educational architecture in the era of mass shootings / on portraying female genius / I should watch… Continue reading Sunday Scraps #62
End of year Review
Thanks to Prof. Dr. Molly Steenson for initiating this habit. 1. What did you do in 2021 that you’d never done before? Prioritised my finances over how interesting or aligned my work was. 2. Did you keep your New Years’ resolutions, and will you make more for next year? We were in the middle of a… Continue reading End of year Review
Sunday Scraps #61
Eve Babitz who played nude against Marcel Duchamp for Esquire magazine has just died / the sad history of the Native American frybread / the Millenium Mileposts across the country / Richard Roger’s parents house / awesome moody women by Prudence Heward / Captain Von Trapp’s former fiancé’s fictional announcement is very good and very… Continue reading Sunday Scraps #61
Smart homes or smart paperwork?
It’s been almost 3 years since I wrote Smarter Homes but my interest in the historical role of the home in our communal and societal decision-making hasn’t stopped. After working as Head of Labs at Bulb and doing research for Overlay (by ING Labs) I got really interested in the more administrative side of homes.… Continue reading Smart homes or smart paperwork?
Sunday Scraps #60
I’ve been listening to this Sondheim album for a few years and it’s just lovely and he was too / the Building Centre turns 90 / Exercise magazine (in French) looks nice / the japanese take on a spaghetti dish / the gallery Dior ran with a friend with money from his aristocratic parents /… Continue reading Sunday Scraps #60
Sunday Scraps #59
I rode my bike on the Downs Link which of course was upgraded with the help of the European Regional Development Fund but I don’t want to look up how Surrey voted in 2016 / it also took me a while to understand I had to take the bridle paths / the Lynn Chadwick exhibition… Continue reading Sunday Scraps #59