I don’t have a camera right now and this is really annoying. It’s an old cliché that “you don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone” but this really made me think about the way that i document my travels (usually through Flickr) and what inspires me. Have we stopped reading? Are we a see-image-only… Continue reading Cameraless in London (an RCA show description)
Category: Uncategorized
The clock: Stéphanie Sauvé
“Mon nom est Stéphanie, je suis née et vis à Montréal depuis 19 ans. J’ai reçu cette horloge d’une photographe exeptionnelle; le projet suggéré m’a semblé fabuleux. Le tissage, les fils qui s’entremêlent, ces tous petits réseaux de tentions, une obsession chez moi… J’ai voulu en lien avec le temps figer ou du moins, rendre… Continue reading The clock: Stéphanie Sauvé
This Boston-based fashion and technology show has an online video of the show. Very interesting to ludic, to silli projects in my mind. The David Lu iPod Status project is shown there as well.
The Clock: Valérie Sangin
“J’ai voulu donner un look Hitchcockien, avec 2 plumes de corbeau, et des droplets de peinture, mais rouge aurait fait trop évident, alors j’ai choisi jaune. Je l’ai ensuite passée hier à une amie peintre, qui est très enthousiaste du projet et qui va faire ça beaucoup plus rapidement que moi.” (I wanted to give… Continue reading The Clock: Valérie Sangin
What you'll wear in 10 years
Great Wired article on the future of electronic devices and the trends towards wearables. One thing that this thesis has highlighted so far is the lack of aggregated information on the subject of wearables, although a few craft-based blogs etc, nothing too impressive or picking up a lot of momentum online which makes me think… Continue reading What you'll wear in 10 years
Back to the ghetto blaster
Sigh. Ok so I’ve been thinking about the olden values we had when we were dealing with physical tokens to exchange music or the social and status-related social intricacies that musical taste can bridge and i find it hilarious to see this iPod bag that has a pair of embedded speakers on it. Its proving… Continue reading Back to the ghetto blaster
MP3 in a pair of shoes
MP3 embedded in a sports show. Via Endgadget
GPS tracking jacket
Interesting project that acts as ” GPS unit that can phone home with realtime tracking data”… interesting but does that mean i can no longer tap someone on the shoulder without thinking its going to alert local authorities? Via Endgadget
Nokia and leather-like finishes
Nokia’s new “L’Amour Collection” (love the use of french for this title) uses a definite fabric and leather visual language for their new designer collection. Although they are of course still using metal and plastic covers, they are recognising the use of textile fabric inspired look and feel to their phone. Definitely getting closer and… Continue reading Nokia and leather-like finishes
Adidas customizable shoes
I like this set that came out originally in 1983 but that they are rereleasing again, showing once more that consumer involvement in a product’s lifespan creates richer relationships. Via Cool Hunting.