Ché Jolie!

I need to visually entertain myself most days, so in between a bit of innovation work during the day, i created this one evening…enjoy!

Last post before xmas

Off on xmas vacation at the end of the week, but super swamped, so I thought id make you something nice for Xmas, like a card : ) Will be back for my usual dose of sarcasm, scepticism and ranting towards the end of the year. Hope you all have lots to eat and drink… Continue reading Last post before xmas

"Oh, i'm between devices at the moment".

As if my thesis needed more conceptual evidence of the fickle relationships we have with high tech devices, here’s the the seven stages of owning an iPod or rather being between iPods. via Valleywag.

Standing still till next spring

Canary Wharf dusk skyline Originally uploaded by mbiddulph. Some creatures hibernate till spring, refusing to face the cold of winter and preferring to stuff their face and sleep through it. I envy them. I guess I’ll be going through something similar because for the next 6 months i’ll actually stop traveling… I took my last… Continue reading Standing still till next spring

Like I need another blog

Sigh, maybe i’m pushing it a little, but Dave and I started a new blog. So if you’re interested in food, weird food packaging, restaurant concepts, obesity, healthy food services, then go check it out!

The sound of conversation

Pecha Kucha is coming up this fall in London on the 18th of October and on the 1st of December in Amsterdam and I feel incredibly temped to participate. For those of you who don’t know what this this, its a way for designers to talk about their work, network and meet potential clients as… Continue reading The sound of conversation

Colors, typefaces, lists.

It’s a well known fact I have way too many Stickies which over the weekend I managed to reduce to 15 (i think i had at least double that) and found this lovely list of vegetables with the wittiest names. Since I can always use a bit of typeface practice, I thought I’d do something… Continue reading Colors, typefaces, lists.