My dayjob is largely operational but occasionally, I get deployed on client work. I’ve been working with a client whose design team is suffering from burnout, anxiety, and general malaise. I wish I could say it was all their fault but it isn’t. We’re in this interesting situation where everyone in the industry is trying… Continue reading On making choices
Category: Thoughts
End of year review
Thanks to Prof. Dr. Molly Steenson for initiating this habit in 2005. What did you do in 2024 that you’d never done before? I prioritised holidays and therapy Did you keep your New Years’ resolutions, and will you make more for next year? I didn’t make any. Did anyone close to you give birth? Yes. Did anyone… Continue reading End of year review
The Long Tail of Design Work
I started a new role 9 weeks ago at TPXimpact, a digital transformation consultancy born out of the merger of a mix of agencies that included FutureGov. My boss is Ben the Chief Designer and I’m Design Director. We work with 108 designers with a wide array of experiences and backgrounds across four practice areas:… Continue reading The Long Tail of Design Work
Year in Review
Funny, I started these 13 years ago but didn’t do one in 2019. Maybe I knew something was coming. As always thanks to Prof. Dr. Molly Steenson for initiating this habit 1. What did you do in 2020 that you’d never done before? Draught excluded a floorboard. 2. Did you keep your New Years’ resolutions,… Continue reading Year in Review
Is climate change mitigation a life skill?
I was having a conversation about climate change literacy with Luke & Michelle this week I thought I’d capture to celebrate New Year’s Eve (and forget for a second about Brexit). As the first instance of LoCDI had to be pushed into next year (and frankly it might be pushed into the year after based… Continue reading Is climate change mitigation a life skill?
Prisons or domes? Notes on the role of the home under COVID-19.
I wrote a book on the history of technology in the home which came out in 2018 and six weeks into my government mandated self-isolation, I’m thinking about what I wrote. Home as a space to return to, not exist in. Pliny the Elder (A.D. 23–79) famously wrote ‘One prefers one’s home to all other… Continue reading Prisons or domes? Notes on the role of the home under COVID-19.
So you want an internet of things strategy?
I’ve been giving talks and having lots of meetings with executives across a number of different industries who are interested in the internet of things and aren’t quite sure what to do. Based on the past ten years of my work around this topic, here are some high-level recommendations. Assumptions: chances are you have a… Continue reading So you want an internet of things strategy?
The year of the Good Night Lamp
I’ve been a bit quiet about the the Good Night Lamp but this year was major. I actually made and shipped lamps around the world. Here is a rather long breakdown of how I did it, how much it cost and what’s next. A bit of history I had the idea in 2005 as a student… Continue reading The year of the Good Night Lamp
Making ourselves happy
I just got off recording a podcast which was focused on AI and sci-fi. Not my favorite topics. Reminded me of a moment in the excellent Déclin de l’Empire Américain (1986). Ce qui veut dire qu’un mariage réussi n’a rien à voir avec le bonheur personnel de deux individus mariés ensemble. À la limite, la question… Continue reading Making ourselves happy
8th End of Year Review
A rather personal tradition on this blog, but one I’ve stuck to thanks to Molly Steenson who initiated this years before we met when this blog was my thesis project blog. 1.What did you do in 2014 that you’d never done before? Spend a month away from London for work. That felt very weird. 2.… Continue reading 8th End of Year Review