Phil made a list of music videos shot in the Barbican/ Google stopped describing gorillas because it couldn’t figure out how to identify black people / decolonising design / cosplay innovation through patents / indie magazine economics / Bernard Leach (potter) / cats instead of things in the Underground / Digital Earth Fellowship cfp /… Continue reading Sunday Scraps #5
Category: #sundayscraps
Sunday Scraps #4
Post-pandemic workplaces 1 2 / a book about sentient lightbulbs / Kevin Kelley turned 68 and gave young people some advice / Bela Banathy’s book on changing social systems / furniture music (coined by Erik Satie) / the paper that coined and defined ‘wicked problems’ / Un Chien Andalou online / The NewYorker about Lorraine… Continue reading Sunday Scraps #4
Sunday Scraps #3
(Yes I know, not posted on a sunday. Sue me) Hiroshima / The ugly scandal that cancelled the Nobel Prize / Sugartime / Apollo magazine / Basic Design: a revolution in Art History, the beginning of the Hatton Gallery / John Pasmore: The Developing process video / This Is Tomorrow (1956) exhibition / Design education:… Continue reading Sunday Scraps #3
Sunday Scraps #2
Tabs from May 2018 Jardins Ferdinand Bac / How to call into the kitchen / NSBRC Self-build course / The Empty Brain / Usbourne book of the future / Laguna Art Museum / MOCA: Wellcome to the Dollhouse / The Waag Vertigo Residencies / Couple fined for using fake garage door to hide home /… Continue reading Sunday Scraps #2