Yes, as any interaction designer, I’m interested in Web 2.0-type things but I’m also interested in seeing how web 2.0 endeavors are scaling, accumulating and their “long tail” as it were. It used to be (and is still the case) you’d read/listen/watch something interesting, well, you’d put it in your bookmarks, you’d send the link… Continue reading A thousand ways to scream i love you.
Category: Rants
Maybe slightly unrelated to my thesis but pretty descriptive of my brainspace during the year.
Why I believe in people
I had a fairly shocking meeting with a man who was supposedly interested in redesigning Youth centres in the UK. This sounded great to me especially because the landscape of childhood now, with the addition of technology, is very different from my own. Growing up in the 80s I only had contact with technology later… Continue reading Why I believe in people
Not my country please…
A few days ago, some of my ex-idii colleagues started an email back and forth about the general state of affairs in the US with a ridiculous dose of Canadian-envy. I hate these types of conversations. People like to think of Canada as a “sleeping giant” in my industry, generally though we’re usually thought of… Continue reading Not my country please…
Alex's sunday brunch, version 2.0
No there are no pixels involved here… its just that’s its the second one i put together and gosh did i meet a whole bunch of new people. Since I don’t know who will show up until they get here, ill post up who I had the pleasure of meeting last time to entice new… Continue reading Alex's sunday brunch, version 2.0
Feeling left out
Arrived Originally uploaded by mbiddulph. Matt is in San francisco at Foo Camp (Friends of O’Reilly) an awesome sounding invite-only web geek conference (or unconference where participants make up the conference by signing up to give talks and people camp out or in this case sleep on office floors) and I can’t help but feeling… Continue reading Feeling left out
Force-feeding: Inflight service design thoughts
I am back from a much too short trip to New Zealand ( I will spare you the horrors that followed my initial 11 hour delay, the lost luggage, additional 18 hour delay in Singapore etc… yuck), then back in Amsterdam I went to see the Airworld exhibition at the Stedelijk museum in Amsterdam and… Continue reading Force-feeding: Inflight service design thoughts
At the edge of the world…
Fun fact: Wellington is the world’s most southern capital and the only capital in the “Roaring Forties” latitudes. Oh my god, it really is the end of the world! Right now, my experience of New Zealand limits itself to my 2 kiwi friends. I’ll be having a drink and cappucino with Dave this weekend though… Continue reading At the edge of the world…
Anyone home?
I’ve been blogging for over a year now and i often wonder if perhaps i’m just talking to myself. I know of a few people who might be reading these rants of mine but I am unsure really of who my captive and wonderful audience might be… maybe you can post up a comment introducing… Continue reading Anyone home?
The Guardian sometimes loves to highlight how completely off the map americans can be. This is the perfect example of useless puritan and conservative America: a photographer takes pictures of children crying because she’s taken away their looli-pop and the net goes wild screaming of child abuse… while of course seeing the body of a… Continue reading Ridiculous
All is fair in love and biking…
Speaking of ecologies of service, I bought a bike a week and a bit ago. Not an easy task in a city that’s just swarming with them, they’re usually overpriced and demand is high, and so for the few weeks that I have in this lovely city, I didn’t want to invest 200 euros. I… Continue reading All is fair in love and biking…