As a consumer, what if every time I wanted to buy something that wasn’t related to food or public transportation, I would have to fill in a form explaining why I would buy x, y, z? I think Id stop buying anything other than books. Maybe that’s not such a bad thing.
Category: Rants
Maybe slightly unrelated to my thesis but pretty descriptive of my brainspace during the year.
Why it sucks to be an industrial designer
“The most revolutionary products, the things you “never knew you wanted but can’t live without”, only catch on when people are able to move quickly from trying to experiencing.”” – Christopher Fahley on Graph paper. “I believe in general that my job is absolutely useless” – Philippe Stark, TEDtalks “And that means that we have… Continue reading Why it sucks to be an industrial designer
Designers the enemy of design – a response.
I’m warning you this is a really long one. —- Ok, ok, i’ll jump on the bandwagon of responses to Are designers the enemy of design?, a Businessweek article that has everyone in the industry reacting. So let’s make this a smart analysis, paragraph by paragraph, so you understand the context of my response if… Continue reading Designers the enemy of design – a response.
M. -I figured out what Twitter is for…. A. -What? M. – It’s for people to brag about how glamorous their lives supposedly are.
I can’t believe we still live in a society where this doesn’t lead to more noise being made. I often get into interesting/slightly frustrating conversations with people about whether it makes a difference that I’m a woman in my field. I answer no, that it’s a non-issue for me as a professional. With shit like… Continue reading Unacceptable
Found and at a loss
Found on an editorial review on Amazon. Glitches on Twitter. Rather amusing. Can we maybe assume that people born in 1910 don’t have Facebook accounts or stop with the drop down menus for year of birth? People have lost their manners, even on Flickr.
Quote of the day
“When I take a plane and look out the window now I think: “this is just like Google Earth but without the zooming options” Matt who obviously travels a lot.
Killing me softly
Not that I want to make my readers believe that I’m having a bad day, the sun is shining, the tulips and tank tops are out… but general statements that influence the way my field is perceived on the market tend to make me react very strongly… I’m sure Tony Dunne didn’t necessarily intend it… Continue reading Killing me softly
Is this how we're gonna go down?
I hate to think that with the growing environmental challenges we are facing, the human race is going to sit there arguing whose fault it is that the planet is heating up. It’s a useless conversation that you see in every Hollywood movie, just before the big wave crashes down, the 2 main characters are… Continue reading Is this how we're gonna go down?
Betrayal 2.0
I feel betrayed and I’m not even sure why. I got an email the other day from Flickr and I thought, hmm that’s unusual. And this is what I got: “Dear Old Skool Account-Holding Flickr Member, On March 15th we’ll be discontinuing the old email-based Flickr sign in system. From that point on, everyone will… Continue reading Betrayal 2.0