There’s a habit in the world of product design to only concentrate on the object, its design, the supposed environment in which it would be used (think ikea catalogues where the occasional good looking Swedish person will show up to pick up a spoon from a drawer) and not really on it’s use… For example… Continue reading One liners
Category: Rants
Maybe slightly unrelated to my thesis but pretty descriptive of my brainspace during the year.
Women, let your natural sweetness shine through!
There are days when I find the internet boring. This is one of those days. Part dictionary, part soapbox, part best-way-to-not-get-work-done, part adress book, I’m simply not finding it inspiring right now. I think I might have to leave it alone for a few days (oh how convenient, I’ll be going to Milan!) and come… Continue reading Uninspired
The importance of working under pressure.
So I got a “No thanks” from the Come out and Play competition in response to my submission. Am I disappointed? Sure, but in a way, at least I got to think about an area I had only vaguely worked on till then: locative games (ill post my game soon promise!). This is where my… Continue reading The importance of working under pressure.
The art of job ads
“You have to be strong attention to details and tipography and passionate about online design.” Part of a freelancer’s life consists in inspecting any online job ad that comes by, which can, at times, be quite entertaining. You can always tell, to illustrate the example above, if they have been written by someone in HR… Continue reading The art of job ads
Media managment skills
1864 Back in the days, if you were sent off to boarding school, you’d have no other means of communications with your friends and family other than through writing. So the written word was something treasured. You’d write to your mother, knowing she would read the letter out loud to the rest of your family.… Continue reading Media managment skills
Quote of the day
A molecular biologist, at the RCA Design Interactions show: “What’s all this “science” crap?”
Blame it on…
I’m a terrible geek. I don’t buy my own stuff. My ibook came with my grad program. My camera is a loan from Matt who also gave me my iShuffle as a gift (which I have forgotten in the washer twice so far). My phone is a gift from my best friend who bought it… Continue reading Blame it on…
Quote of the day
Found on a creative job posting site in the UK: “One of the world’s fastest growing global brands, based in Helsinki, Finland” I wonder who it could possibly be. :P
Quote of the day
A Stuttgart-based painter asks me over a typical meat-based breakfast: “But isn’t design supposed to be easy on the eyes?” I didn’t know what to answer. Maybe she’s right.