Desirable techno-jects

(Another set of random ideas about the Internet of things) Matt likes to show off to me his latest games and Portal got my attention. If you don’t know the game, pictured above is the “Weighted Companion Cube” that you have to save and move as the game progresses and “take care of”. It’s really… Continue reading Desirable techno-jects

What would jesus buy?

This is all getting a bit surreal. Sustainability, product-based values, product design, desire, China, US, values, and a partridge in a pear tree…

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Free(lance) your mind

It makes me chuckle to eavesdrop on people who have pre-conceived ideas of what it’s like to freelance. “Oh I don’t want a 9-5 job” they say. Yes that’s true, if you freelance you will be working ALL THE TIME if you’re not careful. Most of your time will be spent looking for those “next… Continue reading Free(lance) your mind

Categorized as Rants

Is web2.0 useful to businesses?

Before attending thishappened last night I was invited by Garrick Jones to attend an informal discussion on web2.0 hosted at the Hospital, a very chichi private club in Soho. Nothing could have been more further away from how I thought businessmen perceive the value of the now 3 year old term. I should have known… Continue reading Is web2.0 useful to businesses?

Categorized as Rants

A definition of sustainable design (that doesn't hurt anyone's feelings)

“Sustainable design is not only about environmentalism, even if it is an important part of it. Sustainable design is also very much about timelessness, new materials that push the envelope, storytelling, sensorial experiences and cultural awareness.” Found here. At some point we’re going to have to accept that sustainability actually involved limitations, cutbacks and sacrifices.… Continue reading A definition of sustainable design (that doesn't hurt anyone's feelings)

Categorized as Rants

Dear Sir/Madam

I just received an email at my Topoware email address starting with “dear sir/madam” expecting it to be spam and horrified at discovering it was a recent graduate who was sending me his cv and portfolio. Horror! Shock! So I couldn’t let it be, I HAD to reply and I did, trying desperately not to… Continue reading Dear Sir/Madam

What is interaction design (vol2)

“Interaction design is not about form or even structure, but is more ephemeral–about why and when rather than about what and how.” This really isn’t helping anyone come up with that one liner at a bar in response to the dreaded:”So what do you do?” boxes and arrows.

Living your lifestream yet?

This article prompted some thoughts about this society’s obsession with documenting everything. The article starts rather nicely with “When I was a boy—I can remember how my Mother would spend a good part of her Sundays. She would take out her phonebook—a tattered collection of names and numbers written in handwriting you could barely read,… Continue reading Living your lifestream yet?

Categorized as Rants, Tech

Quote of the day

Talking over coffee about the number of “web2.0 consultants” around these days Matt said: “During a gold rush the people making money are the ones selling shovels”

Categorized as Rants

Random bank holiday thoughts

I’m spending a first weekend of downtime in a while walking around London, cooking with Matt and letting just random realisations bubble out. A few: . Why does everyone in design and technology have architecture envy? Everyone talks about urban spaces, psychogeography, gps, architecture… most of these subjects it seems have been covered by scores… Continue reading Random bank holiday thoughts

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