There’s clearly something wrong with the delivery of a service if it makes me think “oh what a waste”. This reflects poorly on the company, it’s brand and it’s supposed values, especially when I’m already aware I’m being unsistainable by using the service. 1st example: Last week during a doze on the Eurostar a member… Continue reading Unsustainable touchpoints
Category: Rants
Maybe slightly unrelated to my thesis but pretty descriptive of my brainspace during the year.
Quote of the day
“Caring from a distance” The tagline for a telecare (read remote care for the elderly) conference last year. Somehow doesn’t quite get the point across.
Thoughts on everyday and far-away technologies
I’ve finally found some time to have a proper read through Baudrillard’s System of objects to find it really is shaping my thinking around material culture and technology. Some quick thoughts based on quotes from the book: “No sooner does an object lose its concrete practical aspects than it is transferred to the realm of… Continue reading Thoughts on everyday and far-away technologies
No link love
Ok so sucks right now. After sending them 3 support emails and no reply or help whatsoever, I’ve decided to suspend my daily automated posting and go for a sidebar posting instead. Yes I know most people don’t actually visit my site and RSS is king, but I can’t stand this anymore and I’m… Continue reading No link love
Why am I in this handbasket and where are we going?
I hope Jimmy will forgive me for the copy-paste. “My resistance to contributing to blogs in general is that they are by and large vehicles for personal authorship and that participation is ultimately framed and managed by a single authorial voice. Consequently participants tend to get patronized or corrected if they voice dissent or simply… Continue reading Why am I in this handbasket and where are we going?
Reminds me of The Hungries project I was involved in with my friends Dana and Alejandro.
The year of smaller things
I must confess I hardly find the time to keep updated on world events, a sad side-effect of being involved in a startup, manufacturing hell and freelancing at the same time. Living in navel-gazing London hasn’t made things easier and if anything, for me, 2007 was the first year in a long time when the… Continue reading The year of smaller things
Paranoia Leopardia
Has anyone else noticed some creepy similarities between Windows and Leopard in those extremely annoying pop-ups asking something along the lines of: “This application has been downloaded from the Internet, are you sure you want to open it?” My answer to this is simple: Yes, and before this, that was why I was using a… Continue reading Paranoia Leopardia
Blogging as an active thing i don't have time for at the moment…
I’ve been working a lot and I admit, more than is probably required by your average human. I barely keep on top of email, check the odd flickr photo, haven’t opened my RSS reader in weeks, haven’t done my Xmas shopping and barely managed to squeeze in a haircut after 2 months without one. I… Continue reading Blogging as an active thing i don't have time for at the moment…
Design whassat?
I’m slightly baffled at what’s going on in design at the moment. Never more has the term “designer” meant something completely superficial, not so useful, egocentric and unsustainable. And at the same time, in business circles, the term “design” is being hailed as the great solution to a changing economy and market. Has the concept… Continue reading Design whassat?