The american Association of Women Industrial Designers just came out with Goddess in the details one of the latest publications exploring women’s impact on design. This goes back to a former rant on the eternal debate on the value of design work and whether there is a difference when a woman designs a product or… Continue reading Godess in the details!
Category: Rants
Maybe slightly unrelated to my thesis but pretty descriptive of my brainspace during the year.
No CHI : (
Ok so we finally got the news, that unfortunatey, we wont make it to CHI in Montréal this year. Dave Chiu, Haiyan Zhang and myself had entered a paper about our service design class project Fresh Start which we will be documenting quite soon online.
Dear thesis,
I don’t know where im going with you at the moment. I want you to be too many things i think m trying to stuff you with too many features, feature-creep some would say. I know i have the tendancy to try to solve the worlds problems with my projects, in small doses, but i… Continue reading Dear thesis,
Tell me about your mother…
Ok so i’m in a tight spot in my thesis and my mom told me about a technique she’s using in her thesis at the moment where she writes to her thesis, claiming that this is useful to see the big picture and solve problems as they arise… so let’s try this…
The Dissapearing everything…
So i was reading half interested CNN article on information overload in our society and wondered whether i was really dreaming when i read that a 22 year old thought that: “”The library is daunting because I have to go there and everything is organized by academic area,” Quaranta said. “I don’t even know where… Continue reading The Dissapearing everything…
DIY: are we losing it? how important is it?
I like this Treehugger post that talks about our inability to do things ourselves and our constant reliance if not on technology but also on the prepackaged and premade. Beyond their obvious comment about our grandparent’s skills that got developed in less happy conditions and because of heavy recession, i wonder if there isnt something… Continue reading DIY: are we losing it? how important is it?