UGC vs Fabbing

An interesting online battle is being fought these days on the productdesign2.0 scene. Ponoko just launched (I first heard about them back in May). Part online gallery, part market, part distributed manufacturing, they are catering to the creative industries to provide their catalogue. Think of is as a mash-up between

Topoware @ London Design Festival

(Yes, I know this is starting to be boring :P ) If you’re in town this week, well you’re probably going round the London Design Festival. Topoware will be part of the Designboom exhibition hosted by designersblock 10th anniversary show so come on down!

One liners

There’s a habit in the world of product design to only concentrate on the object, its design, the supposed environment in which it would be used (think ikea catalogues where the occasional good looking Swedish person will show up to pick up a spoon from a drawer) and not really on it’s use… For example… Continue reading One liners

Sleep less indeed

Went to see Design products show from the RCA (headed by Ron Arad) and I have to say I think the general trend in product design master’s is to make designers become more and more conceptual to the point of hovering in a grey area between art and design. In any case, I wasn’t moved… Continue reading Sleep less indeed