To see or not to see?

Random thoughts triggered by Nicola’s link. What if what was going to be a major roadblock to ubiquitous computing is the idea that as users, we want to be able to point to where a “technology-enabled” object lies? That we cannot live with the idea that we no longer have an on/off relationship like the… Continue reading To see or not to see?

Desirable techno-jects

(Another set of random ideas about the Internet of things) Matt likes to show off to me his latest games and Portal got my attention. If you don’t know the game, pictured above is the “Weighted Companion Cube” that you have to save and move as the game progresses and “take care of”. It’s really… Continue reading Desirable techno-jects

The internet of things doesn't have any users

I’m catching up on a week of madness and found7 steps to a green product and Bruce Sterling’s Anatomy of a spime diagram that Matt Jones commented on. Funnily enough both speak about similar things. The Metropolis article highlights a methodology when designing a product: the right materials, clean and green production, etc. Bruce’s diagram… Continue reading The internet of things doesn't have any users

Bluebook praise

Garrick Jones brought to my attention that the Bluebook project by Manolis Kelaidis, (a project I had spotted at last year’s RCA show) got the only known standing ovation at O’Reilly’s Tools of Change. Well done! It’s about time these folks started to expand their thinking beyond the screen. There’s the usual “However, it looks… Continue reading Bluebook praise