The Internet of Things is now strongly established as a trend, not necessarily a market yet. Most people in the field will agree it usually describes how ubiquitous technologies and infrastructures like Wifi, 3G (5G soon), Bluetooth might help us connect not only technology-centric products like phones, tablets and laptops but a plethora of physical… Continue reading Archetypes of "Internet of Things" businesses
Category: Internet of things
Homesense kit & Big Red Button at the MoMa
I am incredibly lucky, I’ve worked with fantastic people and had so much fun. I am also doubly lucky that Paola Antonelli, when she came to see me and Russell at Tinker last autumn, really liked the Homesense Kit and the Big Red Button because she’s decided to include them as part of the Talk… Continue reading Homesense kit & Big Red Button at the MoMa
What a creative "Internet of Things" looks like
The Knowledge Transfer Network (KTN) for the Creative Industries ran a workshop where participants were invited to think about the barriers to SMEs to apply for TSB funding in their numerous calls. We also discussed and mapped out concerns around how to develop “internet of things” business and market opportunities in the UK. They invited… Continue reading What a creative "Internet of Things" looks like
Technology is familiar because it fails
Brilliant. From Russell of course.
Robots at home: the role of a more personal internet of things
I’ve been thinking about the role of product design in the upcoming flurry of domestic robot solutions that will soon be thrown at us as consumers. Some quick thoughts. 1. Roomba & AR Drone are only the beginning, the latter entering the doors of our homes through the iPhone’s compatibility. There was a lot of… Continue reading Robots at home: the role of a more personal internet of things
CBC’s Spark program and the lovely Nora Young interviewed me about robots and internet of things. Listen here.
Chasing the Future: a talk on emotional robots
Chasing the Future: challenges and opportunites in the design of emotional robots View more presentations from Alexandra Deschamps-Sonsino Look for the speakers notes for details. I’ll write a separate event report on RoboLIFT tomorrow.
Thoughts on Internet of Things
Was interviewed by Caleb for Mobile Behaviour here if you have the patience.
Personal ubiquity
It took me a while to digest Janne’s post on why ubicomp is a broken concept, mostly because on principal I tend to disagree. It’s also a bit in response to Tom Coates’s altered version of his talk with Matt Jones that he gave at Foocamp called “Personal Informatics”. Firstly I think the starting point… Continue reading Personal ubiquity
Uneasy intimacies
I never thought ubicomp would come out of an iPhone app. If anything, Exposure has the power to connect us with objects and lives that were lived around us in the past, as long as they’ve been geotagged first. Matt and I had a look, sitting on our couch at home, and found pictures of… Continue reading Uneasy intimacies