So you have an internet of things startup? I have one, my friends have one, and Kickstarter is coming to the UK. But really, money is only one part of the entrepreneurial equation. With the brith of IOTWorks last week in Boston, really, the only question is: why not in London? I have been living… Continue reading Incubating the internet of things in London
Category: Internet of things
Thoughts for an Internet of Things education
I went to see New Designers last week in London, a yearly pilgrimage. I went to product design school at the beginning of the century and I was really hoping that in a digital age, things would feel, well, modern. They didn’t really. If you’ve never been, ND is a fair for product design graduates… Continue reading Thoughts for an Internet of Things education
Advertising & the internet of things: an FAQ
I’ve been asked to speak at Saachi in a few weeks about the internet of things. I’ve had clients before who were agencies before and we did some fantastic work together but I’ve also had 15 minute conversations with agency types asking more or less the same questions or interpreting the internet of things in… Continue reading Advertising & the internet of things: an FAQ
Internet of things references
I often give talks about the internet of things and usually give the same references, adding new ones in. I thought I’d stick them all here for anyone who wants a good introduction to the topic. (last update August 9th 2012) Theory & fiction books Everyware by Adam Greenfield Shaping Things by Bruce Sterling A… Continue reading Internet of things references
The Internet Fridge Factor
A few weeks ago I was invited by General Assembly to give a talk at the Guardian for one of their master classes on the digital economy. That morning, I was reading about Alan Kay and tumblred upon a talk he gave presenting Ivan Sutherland‘s Sketchpad project. A simple idea, demoed well. What went wrong?… Continue reading The Internet Fridge Factor
Quiet no? The Good Night Lamp is back!
That’s because I decided to start working on an old/new internet of things project. Read all about it. This is my post there as the site seems to suffer from Dreamhost being rubbish. //// After almost a year and a half post Tinker London, it’s a real pleasure for me to be able to share… Continue reading Quiet no? The Good Night Lamp is back!
Future hopes for the internet of things
It’s the start of a new year and someone asked me to come in and talk about the internet of things. This has happened countless times but the beginning of the year and the sight of discarded Christmas trees pushed me to take some time to reflect on the last 8 years of work. (I… Continue reading Future hopes for the internet of things
Review of Open Design Now
Last summer I reviewed Open Design Now and Leonard Reviews have just published it. If you’re into the same things I’m into, you should read it :)
FRSTEE: Making a business out of rapid prototyping
As part of RIG, I worked closely with Phil, Andy and Amanda (an absolute pleasure, you should hire them, seriously) to launch FRSTEE a few weeks ago. The most interesting thing about this project for me was the opportunity to work with rapid prototyping in a way that made economic sense. To build a micro-business… Continue reading FRSTEE: Making a business out of rapid prototyping
MapCodes: maps for an internet of things
A few months ago, I started exploring a simple idea around keyrings. This turned into material explorations using laser cutting and wood and finally perspex. The perspex version I built looked a lot more abstract, a little 1920s jewellery, but later it occured to me that what I had designed, through a material exploration was… Continue reading MapCodes: maps for an internet of things