The Internet Fridge Factor

A few weeks ago I was invited by General Assembly to give a talk at the Guardian for one of their master classes on the digital economy. That morning, I was reading about Alan Kay and tumblred upon a talk he gave presenting Ivan Sutherland‘s Sketchpad project. A simple idea, demoed well. What went wrong?… Continue reading The Internet Fridge Factor

FRSTEE: Making a business out of rapid prototyping

As part of RIG, I worked closely with Phil, Andy and Amanda (an absolute pleasure, you should hire them, seriously) to launch FRSTEE a few weeks ago. The most interesting thing about this project for me was the opportunity to work with rapid prototyping in a way that made economic sense. To build a micro-business… Continue reading FRSTEE: Making a business out of rapid prototyping

MapCodes: maps for an internet of things

A few months ago, I started exploring a simple idea around keyrings. This turned into material explorations using laser cutting and wood and finally perspex. The perspex version I built looked a lot more abstract, a little 1920s jewellery, but later it occured to me that what I had designed, through a material exploration was… Continue reading MapCodes: maps for an internet of things