Web Directions 2013

I’m sat in the darkest room since the LIFT conference days and I think the first time I’ve spoken at a proper web conference in some years. It’s kind of weird. Lots of talks about front end development techniques I have never heard of which I guess is a sign I’m hanging out with back… Continue reading Web Directions 2013

Against the culture of “meh” and the internet of things.

Two weeks ago I nearly lost my shit. Gartner, a trends research group (or science fiction that costs a lot more to subscribe to) published their yearly Hype Cycle Chart, describing the Internet of Things (which they’ve only started adding to their chart in 2010 after “mesh networks” was doing rather well) as being “more… Continue reading Against the culture of “meh” and the internet of things.

Little Printer unboxing

While Le Web is underway and seems to concern itself mostly with data, I received my very own Little Printer. That’s the real Internet of Things. THINGS!

A year of #iotlondon

Next month i will have been co-organising Cosm’s Internet of Things London Meetup for a year. When Usman and Ed approached me, the attendance was around 20 and the group had around 140 members. After a year, the meetup has attracted 906 members , between 40 and 70 actually attend every month, the meetup sells… Continue reading A year of #iotlondon

When things are people

I think an area we don’t quite talk enough about is the link between the internet of things and anthropomorphisation. When our things start to speak, who is to say we won’t assign values and behaviours to them like we do to people. Is that good, might that curb consumption? Will ponder some more. via… Continue reading When things are people