So I thought I’d map out the interesting academic environments where one might find a course that relates in some way shape or form to interaction design in the broadest sense possible (notice there aren’t any web courses here). I’m interested in how these schools form the professionals of tomorrow and how the field will… Continue reading Map of interaction design education in Europe
Category: Interaction design
Constant Setting
This is a little project of mine that was born over a year ago in Amsterdam but went into hibernation for a while for obvious reasons. I’m happy to consider this is my first actual contribution to the web2.0 conversation. I’d like to thank D’arcy Saum, Richard Groenendijk and Nicholas Land for helping me out… Continue reading Constant Setting
What does design mean to you?
Not interactive designer, all designers are interactive! Lovely interview of Kars here, I think that conversation embodies the misunderstandings and challenges around the concept of “just enough prototyping” (mantra that Gillian Crampton Smith pushed at Ivrea) and the need to be dependent on technology when designing or be technology agnostic.
Personal ubiquity
It took me a while to digest Janne’s post on why ubicomp is a broken concept, mostly because on principal I tend to disagree. It’s also a bit in response to Tom Coates’s altered version of his talk with Matt Jones that he gave at Foocamp called “Personal Informatics”. Firstly I think the starting point… Continue reading Personal ubiquity
Uneasy intimacies
I never thought ubicomp would come out of an iPhone app. If anything, Exposure has the power to connect us with objects and lives that were lived around us in the past, as long as they’ve been geotagged first. Matt and I had a look, sitting on our couch at home, and found pictures of… Continue reading Uneasy intimacies
Onwards and forward
So I find myself in the unlikely position of having bitched about an event I got invited to this year. Since that post, I can say that the state of interaction design conferences and education has dramatically improved with This happened in London and IxDA in the US. Hopefully this is a “future trend” :)… Continue reading Onwards and forward
About user interfaces
Thoughts on everyday and far-away technologies
I’ve finally found some time to have a proper read through Baudrillard’s System of objects to find it really is shaping my thinking around material culture and technology. Some quick thoughts based on quotes from the book: “No sooner does an object lose its concrete practical aspects than it is transferred to the realm of… Continue reading Thoughts on everyday and far-away technologies
This happened 3: a report
(Disclaimer: My company was sponsoring this event) Few events in London care about defining interaction design like thishappend does. It’s third edition took place last Tuesday at the Roxy Bar near London Bridge and in a matter of an hour or so really framed the current challenges the field faces in industry. First and… Continue reading This happened 3: a report
Quote of the day
From the most excellent Adam Greenfield: “Many of the more conceptual pieces – and here I’m thinking particularly of Noam Toran’s and Dunne & Raby’s – need a good deal more explication, at least if visitors outside the particular social/intellectual fold in which these artifacts were produced are not to take them at face value,… Continue reading Quote of the day