What to expect (when you’re graduating)

So you’re graduating from a design course this summer? Well done you. Also, welcome to the madness. It’s been a quietly devastating recession and most of my very talented and employable friends are struggling to find work. All the non profits I work with have have suffered from months of funding rejections and unresponsive funders.… Continue reading What to expect (when you’re graduating)

Low Carbon Design Institute: ideas for a net zero compliant design education

It’s Christmas Eve, I’m reading the introduction to Ezio Manzini’s ‘Design, When Everybody Designs‘ and I just got angry again. Anger, for a 39 year old woman, is an incredibly useful tool. It’s the step that comes before action. Back in October, I wrote a little twitter rant  about the idea of a Low Carbon… Continue reading Low Carbon Design Institute: ideas for a net zero compliant design education

Categorized as Education

The Inventor, the Designer and the Maker: 3 different ways of getting things done.

I’m giving a talk at the Centre of Fine Arts in Sydney today and last night worked on 3 ways of visualising the evolution of making in the past 10 years with the emmergence of Arduino and crowd funding particularly. I’m trying to work this into a small publication on the subject so really work… Continue reading The Inventor, the Designer and the Maker: 3 different ways of getting things done.

Pour boxer, il faut avoir faim: my thoughts on design for design students

Written for an exhibition put on by Middlesex University as part of London Design Festival. I graduated from a McSc in Industrial Design 2004 and here’s what I wish they’d told me. You won’t design this way ever again. If you work for someone else, you will spend 100% of your time designing 10% of… Continue reading Pour boxer, il faut avoir faim: my thoughts on design for design students