Sunday Scraps #80

Enjoyed listening to this long Gabor Mate interview / i’ve somehow ended up being gifted 7 new books in the last week which includes The Beauty of Everyday Things / Interesting 2025 is coming up and i’m looking forward to it / i’ve been playing jazz with this celery salad and using almonds instead of… Continue reading Sunday Scraps #80

On the glass ceiling

It’s International Women’s Day so I wanted to talk about career arcs and the stories we are told. I’ve recently decided I would like to become CEO soon. I’ve been a founder and co-founder but realised that didn’t translate into people trusting me in a CEO role. I was young and CEO roles implied a… Continue reading On the glass ceiling

Sunday Scraps #79

  Went to see the Tirzah Garwood exhibition at the Dulwich Picture Gallery and the canvases she painted from her bed while she was dying of breast cancer were a highlight / Lawyers for Nature sound interesting / learnt about St Brigid’s cross / the Royal Academy of the Arts show about Brazil’s modernist period… Continue reading Sunday Scraps #79

Playing the orchestra: thoughts on a cultural audit for remote design teams

I’m in my last 5 weeks at TPXimpact. It’s been so much fun and at its largest, the team was over 120 people. That’s the size of the orchestra required to play Mahler’s Symphony No. 8 ‘an expression of confidence in the eternal human spirit’. Fitting, except the orchestra is online and I played a… Continue reading Playing the orchestra: thoughts on a cultural audit for remote design teams

On making choices

My dayjob is largely operational but occasionally, I get deployed on client work. I’ve been working with a client whose design team is suffering from burnout, anxiety, and general malaise. I wish I could say it was all their fault but it isn’t. We’re in this interesting situation where everyone in the industry is trying… Continue reading On making choices

Sunday Scraps #78

I did what I had to do. There could have been more work done. There are always so many interruptions. – David Lynch The David Lynch documentary was interesting / I watched It’s a Wonderful World for the first time (very late to the game I know) and it’s basically a film about a crowdfunding… Continue reading Sunday Scraps #78