Went to see the Tirzah Garwood exhibition at the Dulwich Picture Gallery and the canvases she painted from her bed while she was dying of breast cancer were a highlight / Lawyers for Nature sound interesting / learnt about St Brigid’s cross / the Royal Academy of the Arts show about Brazil’s modernist period had some brilliant exhibition design by Pentagram / I am trying not to buy too many more design books but this one about abandoned Brutalist buildings might have made my wishlist / really enjoyed The Substance / the RSA is looking for a new CEO and I’m throwing my hat in the ring / Going to go see Jeanne Dielman at the BFI / I didn’t know Electric Dreams was a 1980s romcom and not just the title of the Tate Modern show / if I was 20 years younger, I’d apply to become the Open City Operations Manager / the Soil exhibition had some of the worst accessibility i’ve seen in years and curatorially was all over the place but three pieces were a highlight: Reverse Sod Swap, The Sweetman’s garden photographs and Solitary Gardens.