Serge Chermayeff’s book Community & Privacy / I cannot get enough of James Baldwin and need to go see the site where his house used to be in Provence some day / a 2019 paper visualising how food flows through America / a shaky tour of Tom Sach‘s studio / Las Pozas, the Mexican garden of Eden / I get mail art from my friend Aaron and Ray Johnson’s New York Correspondence School reminded me of this / the people working in the shadows of Black Mountain College / on the origins of German efficiency / the studio of Thaddeus Mosley who is 95 / the Grizedale forest which looks nice for a future staycation / why nobody knew what Chandler did / the women who made Egypt cool in the 1920s / I’ve ordered a copy of the latest Architectural Review because it has an article on the student housing I lived in back in 2004 / an academic paper about the communication failures of the second wave of covid-19 / on the ‘new city‘ being built next to Vauxhall which I’m sure will go to our incoming Hong Kong friends / on Stanley Tucci and the enduring myth of the silver fox.