Sunday Scraps #35

The skyline from the Millenium Bridge in London

A couple who took photos of each other during the same photoshoots is very beautiful / Betty Ford danced for Martha Graham it turns out / Space and Place / Schwitter’s Mertz Barn / The Transparency Society / Olivetti’s book The Political life of the Community / Who would take a 100 year old person to Barbados in a pandemic? / a slap-up meal / how emotions are actually made (hint, not with a bloody camera watching) / I love the Ballad of Orange and Grape / Planning the Urban Future in London in the 1960s / a beautiful piece about food at funerals which is not what you can say about the horrid church basement buffet we had when dad died in QuĂ©bec / George Howell who started the American coffee craze of the 1970s / Scotch and milk punch which a character in one of James Baldwin’s novels drinks as he plays the piano / how the KKK recruited women and children in the 1920s / the guitarist John Fahey who had an incredible life / Cecil Sharp who was the first to document English folk songs and dances in the early 1900s.

By designswarm

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