Diamonds made from the carbon in air / Dr. Jessica Taylor’s fantastic 30 lessons learnt for her 30th / the New York Times equivalent of Radio 3’s Slow Radio / Remembering ‘Turning the place over’ by Richard Wilson / his Italian Job bus on top of the De La Warr Pavillion designed by Serge Chermayeff in Bexhill / the horrors of IT in local government / Vera Molnar’s work in a 2017 MoMa show / a book about the influence of the occult on rock and roll / the Vanburgh Park Estate‘s VERY beautiful website (incidentally designed by Chamberlain, Powell & Bon who designed the Barbican) / Firefly Estate where Noel Coward is buried / an alternative take on Henry Scott Tuke’s life as a gay man who mostly painted naked young men (one of which was Coward) / the emotional freedom technique a Radio 6 DJ mentioned on Monday morning as part of a metal set. I don’t get it either / the Hannah Peschar Sculpture Garden / the incredible East Greenwich fire station (architect unknown / I can’t find it).
Sunday Scraps #22