Some strange and loose notes taken during the workshop organised by Daniel Kaplan from FING and from Anne Galloway and Dan Hill‘s talk at LIFT 09.
– Things we ask of cities include:
– Make us safe
– Make us meet
– Make us green
– Make us equal
Maybe cities are a state of mind and I should be able to take it with me anywhere I go. What if I could pack up and leave, moving the city with me? If my city is my local café, my friends and family, my level of connectivity, my favorite shops, then could I take those with me? What is the city versus “home”? Which is more important?
Can I fragment myself across all the places I exist in, live in, travel to, and make these parts of myself accessible and published? Different facets that are only revealed in that space, like geo-located and centric Mymaps.
The fine line between nomads and sedentary people is the infrastructures, the plumbing you need to setup, the walls, the trash collectors, etc.
We’re thinking about data all the time in cities, but noone is thinking about the wires, the energy that it’ll take for these infrastructures to happen, the data centres that will be built…
If we’re developing infrastructures, will anyone use it, how will people receive this “gift”?
If countries fail us, will the city save us?
Nice links from Dan Hill’s presentation that I didn’t know about:
The City by Lewis Mumford
New movement in Cities by Brian Richards
Hands over the city by Francesco Rosi