That time of the year again

2 days to go to the glamourous and always exhausting Salone del Mobile.

Hopefully I will have time to see more things as last year I was exhibiting Topoware with Karola. Looking forward to some apperitivos with old friends and new ones.

If you’re in town, ping me!

Categorized as Traveling

By designswarm

Blogging since 2005.


  1. hi alexandra, i’m reading your blog since i accidentally found it while browsing for openspime coverage.

    i live in milan, if we do happen to manage it would be nice to meet, though it seems from my agenda that it will be quite hard :)



  2. Ciao Roberto,

    yes would be lovely. Riccardo Cambiassi told me he would try to arrange a meetup somehow. Let’s make it happen.

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