Design whassat?

I’m slightly baffled at what’s going on in design at the moment. Never more has the term “designer” meant something completely superficial, not so useful, egocentric and unsustainable. And at the same time, in business circles, the term “design” is being hailed as the great solution to a changing economy and market. Has the concept of design diluted itself so much we can’t tell one from the other?

When I was taught industrial design , it was always about problem solving. If the problem wasn’t valid, didn’t affect enough people or the research was poorly done, then the professors would shoot you down. I still feel that’s a great academic approach.

When did design start being about “making a statement”? Is it because it’s easier to think of a general public of “all” as opposed to a public of “some”. Is it because it’s easier to produce just the one piece than to care about bigger production and it’s impact. Is it because designers envy the glamour of art? Is “designer” a new way to say “applied artist”?

I don’t have an answer to these yet… but we should collectively come up with some and quickly if we want to still know what design is supposed to stand for.

A few links that brought this up:
+ Design is the problem by Nathan Shedroff.
++ But is it art? at Intersections07
+++Philippe Starck @ TED.

By designswarm

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