An english Christmas


Having people over for Christmas is an event people usually dread. This year, Matt and I decided to have his family over and let me tell you, one of the things that doesn’t come with relocation packages, is an explanation of the rites around the Christmas meal.Every country has it’s own version. Some of you will have opened your gifts on the 24th at midnight, others on the same day over dinner, others on the 25th in the morning, others over lunch. Some of you might not even be celebrating Christmas, or did so around the beginning of December. Then there’s the issue of the meal. What do you serve?

Older Christmases in Paris meant a “buche de Noel”, foie gras and smoked salmon. Not here. This was more like the type of meal you have in order to make sure you have a heart attack.

On the menu:

. roasted potatoes and parsnips

. nut roast

. onion gravy

. ham and sausages

. christmas pudding

. cheese board with crackers

. served with champagne, white and red wine and port at the end

. chocolate

My stomach still hasn’t recovered fully and I suspect it’ll take a few days more. In anycase, it’s been an education :)

I hope you all had a merry xmas, and do share some of your xmas menu stories!


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By designswarm

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