Accidental tourism

I’m about to go into hypertravel again but this time it’s a little different. Tuesday and Wednesday will be spent in Milan working with Massimo and greeting our second intern. Then I’m back in London for an evening before embarking on the spanking new Eurostar to Bruxelles (2hours 20 minutes…woah)

The event I was supposed to attend unfortunately got canceled so I will actually be somewhere I haven’t spent any time in, with the people I know being out of town… is that what real tourists do? I doubt it, they usually plan this ahead, it isn’t accidental.

So I’m left with an open day that I can fill up in whatever way I please, so if anyone has suggestions, do ping me! I’m thinking “moules frites”, having a look at cartoons and books, and walking around flickring, buying chocolate…

I’ve been heavily involved working with Blyk and lately, so I could do with a day off in an unknown city.

On Friday, I’ll be having lunch with the nice people at 31 Volts in Utrecht… which reminds me I have to write something for their blog… argh.

Categorized as Traveling

By designswarm

Blogging since 2005.

1 comment

  1. Have fun strolling around my home town! Too bad I’m not there myself right now. If you need tips for good places to go just drop me a line.

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