About definitions

Must be the weather. I’ve changed the blurb on my website for the first time since I started freelancing.


This is the online portfolio of Alexandra Deschamps-Sonsino, freelance interaction designer. I am interested in the way service design ties product design and interaction design together to create meaningful experiences for people both in the virtual and tangible worlds.


This is the online portfolio of Alexandra Deschamps-Sonsino, industrial and interaction designer. She designs technology-enabled and socially-aware creative solutions to problems. From product design, service-based experiences, mobile-based interactions as well as play experiences, what binds her work is a holistic approach to problems, a keen interest in the user and collaborations with partners and clients from around the world. She now freelances in London, UK.

I like it, what do you think?

Update: ok here’s the final version in light of comments :)
This is the online portfolio of Alexandra Deschamps-Sonsino, industrial and interaction designer. She designs technology-enabled and socially-aware creative solutions to problems. She takes a holistic approach to problems, a keen interest in the user and collaborates with partners and clients from around the world. She now freelances in London, UK.

By designswarm

Blogging since 2005.


  1. sounds great for me. although based on your website, you should focus more on “industrial”, “interaction” and “service design” because those are the title of each section. previously, you didnt have industral in the “blurb”

    why did you change from I to she by the way?

  2. it lost the comment i just made

    to make it quick: its better than the previous one. you introduce the word industrial, which was not in the previous blurb, even though you had one whole section about it.

    another comment: i feel the second blurb is less easier to understand than the first one — but that may mean I understand less design terms than you. The third sentence especially doesn’t sound simple to me.

    why did you change from I to she by the way?

  3. hey heri, thanks for that… was having problems with it too…

    The thing is that i’m working on a complete redesign of the site, so the sections will change, less “section-centric” more project centric…

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