Young 20something looking for reasons to stay busy.

Unbelievable but true, I have now settled in London permanently. After an exciting month catching up with the Montreal crowd and working on “Looking for Design” I have come to appreciate immensely coming back to the cut-throat beat of this city. Montreal shares the same mellow beat as Amsterdam but for this girl, it simply won’t do. I’m too much of a procrastinator already :)

So now I have to figure out how to live in the greatest and most expensive city in the world while keeping myself sane with insane amounts of projects and work…hmm promising set of constraints.

So if you’re looking for a freelance interaction/smart-products/blogger/web2.0/strategic/ohmygawdshessohollistic/ designer, what a coincidence, i’m looking for work! :P

You can always contact me at alex care of designswarm and if you’re not interested, well forward it to someone who might! we all have friends ;)

(yes i’m authorised to work in the UK)

While I look for new opportunities, i’m keeping myself busy by being digital webmistress and agent to Karola Torkos (im diving into Drupal for this one at the moment, ouch), organising a super hardware hacking weekend for , trying to find a way to do a small production of Topoware and juggling with a mobile application idea i had a few months ago that could run well as an add-on to Dopplr users.

Not enough hours in the day.

Categorized as Thoughts

By designswarm

Blogging since 2005.


  1. Good to have you properly in town. Not least as I’ll finally see you in person. Hope to catch you before the inevitable inundation of projects that will be vying for your attention.

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