If you’re a geek, every morning starts off with checking your emails which often include invitations. “So&So” has added you toTwitter, Facebook, Dopplr, Flickr yadi yadi ya…
What happens then? Let’s say it’s someone you’ve never met. What do you do?
So you Google them of course. You find out they are an interesting person you might actually connect with on a professional level if you’re lucky enough. But wait, why didn’t they introduce themselves first? What’s their interest in you? Why do they want to know about your trips/rants/photos? How did they hear about you in the first place? Could I write to them back asking them for a bit of background info? Are they just bored or do they like my work/ or me? Have we met and i can’t remember? More importantly, if this is someone who might be interesting professionally, do I really want to share my rants/photos/trips with them? Isn’t that like.. for friends? What comes before the “accept” button?
Argh… stuck…
So you either just accept and hope they will like you for who you are/where you travel to/ what pictures you take/how badly you want that cupcake… or you ignore the invitation and just hope you can bump into them in the future, and have a proper conversation about your respective professional backgrounds…
Argh again.