Reporting on Doors of Perception 1/3: New Friends

If anything this trip has reminded me of how much I hate long haul flights. In the space of a day, I woke up at 4 in Delhi, took off on a plane at 8 30, landed in Bahrain 5 hours later to take a plane exactly 30 minutes later and sit there watching crap american movies for another 7 hours, to land at Heathrow, take a 2h30 bus to Stansted and jump on another 1 hour flight to Amsterdam to finally put the keys in the door at 11 at night…. ugh.

What made it worth it? Well among the many reasons, Doors was great for the people who attended and I think I can safely say that I made new friends. Friends who just happen to not live in Amsterdam of course, but in this modern world, that hardly matters. So a list of the people whose work I liked, or who became great travel companions:

John Thackara, UK
Caitlin Hood, UK
Garrick Jones, UK
Robert O’Dowd, UK
Francesca Sarti, IT
Maja kuzmanovic, BE
Margie Morris, Senior researcher for the Digital Health Group at Intel, US
Ron Paul, Consulting Director for the Portland Public Market, US
Keity Anjoure, Choreographer, FR
Mia Lindmark and Malin Lindmark Vrijman, Sweden
Debra Solomon, NL
Konstantinos Chalaris, UK
Kristine Malden, FR

By designswarm

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