Service design workshop brief

As I mentioned previously I’ll be teaching a service design workshop at the Higher Institute of Product Development in Antwerp next week. This is the brief I wrote for them:

“Industrial designers, in light of our growing environmental concerns, are being asked to be more and more “green” or eco-friendly, choose the right materials to make more biodegradable, easy to recycle or disassemble objects. Another wave of thought though, fueled by the likes of John Thackara, Ezio Manzini and Live|work advocate for the development of services where objects become “touch points” to an experience or a service being provided. Who you are should be defined as what you have access to and not what you own in this model.

In this workshop we will be working to dig a little deeper in the roles that objects and products take on within services. We will try to design services, the objects that allow these services to exist and will explore some presentation and design techniques such as experience prototyping and video prototyping.

Useful for the workshop: Camera and/or Videocamera”

I’ll be working on the actual layout of the workshop and the presentations I will make at the beginning of the week and post them up this weekend.

By designswarm

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