A half-baked feminist

I’m not a very good feminist.

I don’t read enough to know about the entire debate, and I don’t encounter very many occasions that would make me raise my fist and the patriarchal society and all I can brag about reading would be the The Feminine Mystique, and books about gender and design.

I read Anne’s and Molly’s blogs and occasionally cringe at conferences that put together bad “women and technology” panels but apart from that, I usually prefer to shrug and think (naively perhaps) that it’s a non-issue. I go about my daily business and career not concerned by the fact that I might be the only woman in a workshop, one of 2 in an office or 1 of 6 in a building. It simply doesnt interest me.

Then today feminism came knocking on my door. I started reading my feeds and saw Anne’s and started reading the absurd comments on the fark post, thanking god I wasn’t surrounded by such morons. Then I glanced at the page again and saw the very very very stupidly edited advertising for the new Zune on the right banner. Well, i thought, that’s bloody insulting.

Later on that day I ended up reading a post from the very good Sexblo.gs on russian women taking courses in “how to become a bitch” in order to get their man’s attention and the jobs they want.

This all gave me somewhat of a headache, i mean, if you’re not a bitch you don’t get what you want (supposedly) but get more respect for shutting up by a community of oafs who go to strip clubs, then if you are, you’re either a lesbian or an unhappy russian housewife….while corporations continue to think that they need sex to sell toothpaste…

I think i’ll just keep being naive and get on with my work.

Categorized as Rants

By designswarm

Blogging since 2005.