Reader-less wall
Originally uploaded by alexandra666.
I was thinking about the Near-field workshop when I saw the remains of the RFID reader at the Milan location of former idii.
It’s interesting to think of post-touch in a way. How will our environments react to stable versus mobile touch interactions? How will they be defaced or how will they show that a history of interactions once took place there?
Well, take a look at the keyboard on your laptop: I’ll bet the keys are worn, the spacebar texture varies from end to end, and the touchpad is shinier in some parts than others.
Evidence may be available via alternate means, in other words: while you may not be touching the wall with your hand, you will be standing there, and I would assume the floor would show some evidence of presence. Think of those steps in cathedrals which have grooves worn into them over time.
As a piece of trivia, the wear on the floor is how they can tell which painting is the most popular in the National Gallery…
The information communicated might not be quite as rich as what your photo shows: you would know someone was standing there, but there’s no cue as to why.