I am on vacation… which is another way to say i’m not working full time, which is another way of saying i’m looking for more work, which just means I’m bored. After just 2 days “off”, I’m getting antsy again, looking for the next thing. Somehow inactivity does not suit me well and I’m not sure that’s such a good thing. Normal people know how to snap out of it usually no?
Anyway, I’ve been thinking of what kind of work i want to get involved in and it’s very curious to find myself talking 2 different languages that don’t usually speak to each other… on one had there’s the product designer in me and on the other hand, the “web geek” part of me as well… how do i make these 2 parts of me converge? Somehow the market’s expectation of what i do as an “interaction designer” is only web-based… but i don’t have a hard-core web background… i am learning certainly but i could never claim to be able to properly code anything other than HTML sites at this point…i was described recently as a “creative architect” which i think is funni… corporate environment love to find a box for you and they still couldn’t fit me into one.
On the industrial design side, well i certainly have some experience and am now concentrating on my next product project for the Salone 2007, but i am not interested in designing a chair and considering that the highlight of my career… So what am i? What do i do?
Well i think i’m something of an interpreter, i can talk to people from various backgrounds and make a project come together. I can understand people’s skills and where they fit in a project. I’m not sure what that is: strategic designer? project manager? design researcher? any other non-descipt terms out there could apply really, but then i love to work on my own stuff… hmm…
Maybe i should just keep freelancing… or freefalling… that sounds more like it feels right now..