Whine whine whine, bitch bitch bitch

Ok,so this whole Zidane and Materazzi thing smells of sour grapes on the part of the FIFA. I mean commmooooon here I’m sure the french don’t exactly go around the field throwing roses at the opponent, so is it really worth it to spend taxpayer’s money on figuring out what exactly insulted the sourly french star. One must also remember that in Italy, expressions referring to people’s mothers, sisters and personal attributes, are as common as apperitivo on a thursday night.

France: breath in, breath out… i think you’ve got more pressing issues at hand no? Oh I forget, it’s much more entertaining to think about football than social and racial issues in parisian ghettos.

This is the first and last sport-related item of this blog… can’t believe i just wrote this… oh my, i am italian…

Categorized as Rants

By designswarm

Blogging since 2005.