Talking about the working environment and efficiency in the workplace. He used an online forum called talk.gateway to tap into the company and what the employees were interested in.
When decisions get questioned within the business. eg. The 3D weather graphics in England. The decision was really discussed and criticized and the person responsible for it decided to engage with the people to explain his decision and his credibility went up.
When they made a show on Jerry Springer and the platform acts as a holder of the public or internal opinions. This is democratization and allows people whatever their position is to have a real opinion thus this becomes a way for people to do business.
Have a taxonomy that allows people to find people with the same type of knowledge and skills in common, interest groups. This allows workshops to be formed from within the company. The other issue being able to find people with skills the company needs. This came in handy when looking for a Dutch translator, where they ended up using this forum to find people who spoke Dutch which came back with 12 people’s names who translated everything for them.
Using blogs
eg. Richard Sambrook
Using wikis: have a tremendous group impact.
This all leads to a complete shift away from traditional documentation techniques and knowledge management.