I’ve been a public speaker since 2007. These days, I like talking about:
– corporate innovation based on my most recent book
– smart homes and cities based on my other books
– ethics in technology based on my work with betteriot and the BBC
– climate change and technology based on my work since 2017
I can also speak about lots of other things so just ask.
Regenerative Bursts, Global Design Forum, September 20th, 4:40pm
Designing London’s Response to The Next Global Crisis, Global Design Forum, September 22nd, 3pm
The Home Uploaded, September 24rd, 5pm
Earth Rising, IMMA, Dublin, October 22nd
Beyond Tellerrand, Berlin, September (video)
ITAG Atlantec Festival (online), May
bp inside outside (online), May
UCL CASA, 3 lectures on ethics and design (online), February
INSEEC University (online), February
ISDI Business school lecture (online), March
SheSaysAMS x We Rise (online) September 27th
Internet Librarian Connect 2021, October 27th
CogX, (online) June
Edgemethods webinar, (online) May
InspirON, Protolabs EMEA, (online), May
IoT Womansplaining for IoTDay, (online), April
Paas Consortium, Cambridge Wireless, (online), April
EdgeMethods internal event, (online), May (slides)
Everything is sculpture, Royal College of Art, (online), March
Design Investigations Lecture Series, (online), October (slides)
Design Informatics, (online), September
We are tech women, (online), June
Interactive Future Exhibition, Interactive Media Design, Darmstadt, July (online/slides)
Smart Life (Home, city, well-being…) webinar, Business France, June (online)
Z-TOPIA, Design Futures Initiatives, May
Driverless World IOT Day, April (online)
Risk & Security Management Forum, London, February
London School of Economics Digital Media Futures Seminar, London, February
BIMA CTO Roundtable, London, February
Turncoats: Nuclear War, London, January
Thingscon, Rotterdam, December (slides, video)
Axa internal event, Paris, October
International Diversity + Inclusion Symposium, London, October (slides)
iot conference, Bilbao, October (slides)
Willem de Koonig Academy, Rotterdam, October (slides)
Singularity University Italy Summit, Milan, October (slides)
Surveillance and Liability in an Internet of Things World: Next Steps organised by Petras IoT, Newcastle Law School, September (slides)
Global Design Forum, London, September
Industry of Things World, Berlin, September 16th
Codex Talks: WORLD’S TOP 50 INNOVATORS 2019, Royal Society, London, September (slides, video)
AI Summit, London, June
Umea Degree Show, Umea, June
Building IoT, Cologne, April
Workshop on Uses and Misuses of Connected Devices, Alan Turing Institute, London, April
Hager Forum, Strasbourg, April
Histories & Myths of the 21st Century Home, Design Museum, London, March
Housework and Technological Change, Design Museum, London, March
Tata Internal Webinar, February
IAA World Congress, Kochi, India, February
Ran a workshop on business ethics for the away day of Eggs Design, Trondheim, Norway, January
ODI Fridays lunch lecture, London December (video)
Webinar on data privacy for Privitar, December (video)
The Shape of Things Symposium, London, December
Thingscon Rotterdam, Rotterdam, December (video)
Lecture at Middlesex University, London, November
Pakhuis de Zwiger, Amsterdam, November
IoT Hessen meetup, Frankfurt, October
TU Chemnitz Seminar, Chemnitz, October
DotYork, York, October
Wired Smarter, London, October (video)
Macquarie internal event, London, September
3Cs Community 100th anniversary, London, June
Future Series: Cities, Victoria & Albert Musem, July 20th
Yle BetaDay, Helsinki, June
Carnegie Mellon University internal event, Pittsburgh, June
Symposium iX, Montréal, May
PROI Worldwide Global Summit, Cascais, May (slides)
Thingscon Salon, Antwerp, May (slides)
Arduino Day, MC of 2 panels, Milan, May
International Digital Economy Conference, Borneo, May (slides)
Internet Governance Lab & Internet Society Symposium: Governing the Internet of Things, virtual, March
Société Générale Corporate University Executive Development Programmes, Paris, March
Google UX PAIR Symposium, Zurich, March (slides)
Future Everything, Manchester, March (slides)
Salzburg Global Seminar, MC of a panel, Salzburg, February
Institute of Technology of Monterrey, Mexico City, January
Proctor & Gamble internal event, Schwalbach, January
Turkey Innovation Week, Istanbul, Dec
Thingscon, Amsterdam, Dec (video 1, video 2)
iot_conf, Malmo, Nov
Webdagene, Oslo, October
Société Générale Corporate University Executive Development Programmes, Paris, Nov
Data Natives, Berlin, Nov (video)
Nordic Council of Shopping Centers Conference, Stavanger, October (slides)
Otago Polytechnic, Dunedin, NZ, July
Christchurch, NZ, July
Unitec University of Technology, Auckland, NZ, July
ITP Applied Research Symposium, Hamilton, NZ, July (slides 1, slides 2)
Fund Forum International, Berlin, June
European Textiles Services Association, Paris, June
IOT Summit 2017, Dublin, June
IOT Conference, Malmo, May (slides)
Women in IOT by EVRYTHNG, London, April
Leeds Festival, Leeds, April
Atmosphere by Aruba Networks/HPE, Paris, May
Domus Academy Metaphysical Club, Milan, March
Big Data Dataconomy meetup, March (slides)
Re-Act by Design, Antwerp, February
Telenor event, Oslo, January (slides)
Collaborate, Bristol, November (slides/video)
Trondheim Developer Conference, Norway, October (video 1/video 2)
Data Natives, Berlin, October (slides / video)
Hydro internal event, Oslo, September (slides)
Here internal event, Berlin, September (slides)
Thingmonk, London, September (video)
Chairing a panel on ‘The Business of IOT’ at Women in Wireless, London, July
EuroScience Open Forum, Manchester, July
Seamless IOT Demo Day, Grand Rapids (MI), June (slides)
Soap!, Krakow, June (slides)
Digital Bauhaus Summit, Weimar, June (slides)
OffGrid Festival, Osea Island, June
Royal Holloway University Workshop on the Internet of Things, May
InfoShare, Gdansk, May (slides)
DECT World, Barcelona, May (slides)
IOT Meetup 2, Prague, May
Minnesota High Tech Association Spring 2016 conference, Minneapolis, April (slides)
SIDO 2016, Lyon, April
Microsoft Women in Business Executive Circle event, London, March
Business World IOT Expo, India, March
Interaction 16, Helsinki, March (video)
Webstock, Wellington, NZ, February (slides / abstract / video)
IOT With The Best, webinar, January 16th (recording, slides)
Microsoft Future Decoded, London (slides)
Chelsea School of Arts, London (slides)
PIE Creative, Coventry (slides)
Future Everything, Singapore (slides & video)
Next, Hamburg (slides & video)
The Conference, Sweden (video)
Internet of Things meetup, Turin
Communitech Tech Leadership Conference, May 28th, Ontario (slides)
Registers of Scotland Innovation Conference, Edinburgh
Great Lakes Software Excellence Conference, Michigan (slides)
IOT Forum, Cambridge (slides)
Ravensbourne College, London
Diphy meetup, London, UK
Human & Things meetup, Antwerp
Smart Salon: The Internet of Why London (video)
British Computing Society Panel discussion on the Internet of Things, London (video)
Keynote at Data Days, Berlin (slides, video)
Ran a free Webinar on the internet of things for RS Components (podcast)
Ogilvy Lab Day 2014, London
Brighton Digital Festival, Brighton, September (slides & transcript)
Nordic Digital Business Summit, Helsinki, September (video)
Digital Entreprise Europe 2014, London
IOT week, London
Google Firestarters, London (slides)
Cartoon Digital, Helsinki (slides)
JAX, Frankfurt (interview / slides)
Thingscon, Berlin (slides, interview video)
BLN Internet of Things Forum, Cambridge (slides)
Memory Bank: Collecting the Future with Victoria & Albert Museum, London
Future Everything, Manchester (slides, video)
All Party Parliamentary Design Innovation Group Design, Innovation & Technology Spring Reception, London (slides)
Design In Action event , Edinburgh
BES Asia, Kuala Lumpur (slides, blog post )
Thingmonk (video, slides), London
Cryptofestival, Goldsmith’s, London
Women Shift Digital, London (Part of panel on women and STEM)
Strata conference , London ( Judging the Startup Showcase)
Web Directions South, Sydney
Flossie 2013, London (keynote)
Over the Air 2013, Bletchley Park (keynote)
GigaOM’s Structure conference, London (Moderated a panel) (video)
Green Mondays, London
IDEO Make-a-thon, Munich (keynote)
Creat_ED, London
Digital Services World Congress , London
“Cupcake & Learn” session at Aimia, London
Product Design Innovation Conference, London (Part of a panel on the design of smart products)
Information Technologist’s Livery Company brown bag lunch, London
Next 2013, Berlin
Urban Prototyping Festival, Imperial College, London.
Mex: Pathways to the mobile UX horizon, London.
1 week workshop on the internet of things for Artesis Workshop Week, Antwerp (keynote)
Smart City Expo World Congress, Barcelona. (slides)
Strata London, London
Social Business Summit, London
Next 2012, Berlin.
Guardian Masterclass, London
Junior Chamber International Estonia , Tallinn.
Maker’s Guild event, Victoria & Albert Museum, London.
Made North, Liverpool.
Power of Making Symposium at the Victoria & Albert Museum, London. (Chairing a panel on Technology, Data & Making)
The Era of Objects @ V2_, Rotterdam
Makers Guild Launch event, London
LIFT 11: be Radical, Marseille
Technology Strategy Board: Internet of Things workshop, London
RoboLIFT, Lyon
Hyper Island Master Class, London
Conversation 2.0: Is Bootstrapping Possible?, London
Textiles Futures Research Group, London
Royal Institution, London (audio)
The next 5 years of Internet of Things, Mobile Monday, Amsterdam
Microsoft Social Symposium, New York City
Lovebytes Festival, Sheffield
Open Stage at LIFT10, Geneva
Doing it Together panel at Future Everything Festival, Manchester
Frontiers of Interaction, Rome
Forum IOT, Bruxelles
Workshop 4 on Experimental Objects, University of Lancaster
Guest lecture at ENSCI Les Ateliers , Paris
Making Digital Real, London
Presenting Homsense at La Cantine, Paris
Presenting Hop project at This happened, Edinburgh
Thinking Digital, Newcastle-upon-Tyne
TEDx North 2009, Liverpool & Sheffield
HandHeld Learning, London
Post-flux, Bruxelles
Workshop on Internet of Things at LIFT09, Geneva
LIFT09, Marseilles
Intelligence Ambiante, EPITA, Paris
Ignite UK North, Leeds
Papercamp, London (Ran a workshop on making)
Milano Green Festival, Milan (Conducted an interview of Massimo Banzi)
Seminaire Aristote “les objets communicants”, Paris
eComm Europe , Amsterdam
Web2.0 Expo, Berlin (video)
St Paul’s School for Boys, London
Reboot 10, Copenhagen
Pecha Kucha, Bruxelles
Media Futures conference, London
iDesign, London
Crosstalks, Bruxelles
Facing the Future – DTF & Arup event, Newcastle-upon-Tyne
Mini-Summit on Media Policy in Europe & Asia (pdf), Singapore
Xtech, Paris (slides)
Pecha Kucha, Montreal
DesignMai, Berlin (Took part in a panel about the design of smart objects)
Academic lectures
Some of the academic institutions we have lectured at include
Running an augmented objects / design course at the Ecole Nationale des Arts Décoratifs, Paris
Giving a talk at Ravensbourne College of Design & Media, London
Giving a keynote presentation to a week-long workshop for BA design students at the University College of Antwerp, Belgium
Guest lecturer for a 3 month long 3D Design Foundation course at the University for the Creative Arts in Farnham, UK
Guest lecturer for the Graphics Design and Textile Futures course at Central St Martins College of Art & Design, London
Guest lecturer during a semester long internet of things workshop at Domus Academy, Milan
Guest lecture at ENSCI Les Ateliers, Paris
Guest lecture at EPITA on internet of things, Paris

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