When convergence sucks

There a saying that goes something like this: “There are 3 types of people in the world: those who participate in the parade, those who wave from the bleachers and the people that don’t even know there’s a parade going on”. Things online used to be fairly simple really. This made me think it is… Continue reading When convergence sucks

Form of the day

The proof this is all a bubble: (Found filling out the usual form page to submit a talk for Berlin’s Web2.0 expo.)

"Added": new social and business networking realities

If you’re a geek, every morning starts off with checking your emails which often include invitations. “So&So” has added you toTwitter, Facebook, Dopplr, Flickr yadi yadi ya… What happens then? Let’s say it’s someone you’ve never met. What do you do? So you Google them of course. You find out they are an interesting person… Continue reading "Added": new social and business networking realities

Looking for design: Furni

Not surprisingly, answers to my call for feedback about design in Montreal haven’t been pouring in so it was greatly refreshing to hear from Mike Giles at Furnicreations. He was lovely enough to talk to me about some of the great and more difficult things about working as a designer in Montreal. 1. Thank you… Continue reading Looking for design: Furni

Pecha Kucha Night (presentation slides)

I’ll be speaking tonight at Montreal’s very own Pecha Kucha about my Good Night Lamp project, how it came about, where it’s at now, and why on earth it’s still not out there! Update: Here are the slides from that night’s presentation. Enjoy!

Looking for design in Montreal

So I’m back in Montreal after 3 years and nothing seems to have changed. I’d like to be proven wrong though. I am really amazed that whenever we speak of design here, what shows up is either related to urban design, architecture or interior design. Where is everything else? Certainly not listed on the pathetic… Continue reading Looking for design in Montreal

About me, not from me

A psychological analysis of me by Alejandro “i was thinking about you, i think you are really strange 4/25/07 10:09 PM cause you;re an industrial designer and all that, so you are supposed to be a very 3d person 4/25/07 10:10 PM but it turns out that no, your 2d to the bone 4/25/07 10:10… Continue reading About me, not from me

How to market sustainability to designers

Here’s a piece of advice to the webdesign team of Design can change(which I think is a lovely endeavor mind you). If you want to make an idea interesting to designers, don’t use Getty Images stock photography ( and certainly don’t advertise it! ) you’ll get more respect from cranky designers like me : )