Programmers are funny

From my daily WordPress pushing : “< ?php endif; // if you delete this the sky will fall on your head ?>“

Categorized as Tech

Bri-ish Apple ads

I have a bri-ish accent fetish i think : )

Categorized as Tech

I call it iBitch

So i created a new expression/category/tag for my virtual life… i call it iBitch. So from now on end, anything i find that rants, critiques or talks about Apple products, i will put under that category… no matter if positive or negative, because in the world of blogging, noone’s really right or wrong, its about… Continue reading I call it iBitch

Categorized as Tech

You are looking at your phone

I was looking through the list of people who will be attending the NordiCHI workshop this weekend and landed on this very funny (yes perhaps relevant for that service) piece of interface design from Imity. Are we laughing at technology or is it laughing at us i wonder?

Trop c'est comme pas assez…

Empty… Originally uploaded by alexandra666. Is a very “quebecer” expression that means that too much is like too little. This is a concept that truly and most definitely applies to communication in large corporations. Having spent the past month in what i will brand as one of the world’s “major communications company” it actually amazed… Continue reading Trop c'est comme pas assez…

Feeling left out

Arrived Originally uploaded by mbiddulph. Matt is in San francisco at Foo Camp (Friends of O’Reilly) an awesome sounding invite-only web geek conference (or unconference where participants make up the conference by signing up to give talks and people camp out or in this case sleep on office floors) and I can’t help but feeling… Continue reading Feeling left out

Categorized as Rants, Tech

Odd mappings

I really enjoy seeing projects that make a clever use of the natural ways in which people are used to products or their natural affordances. This is definitely not one of these projects: the iBrella embeds iPod controls in the handle of an umbrella, making a person think about their music in such an impractical… Continue reading Odd mappings

Categorized as Tech

New project!

I really should stop and smell the roses once in a while, but i can never tear myself from work that easily. So this weekend, i created a new blog!!! Go and check it out, its called Compete and i’ll be posting up anything and everything relating to design competitions from around the world. Any… Continue reading New project!

Categorized as Rants, Tech