Sunday Scraps #30

Oakshott Court

Interesting take on the problem with environmental literature for children / the origins of restaurants (broths for the rich who didn’t want to chew) / the rural photography of William Christenberry /  Sharon Eyal the choreographer and dancer in The National’s videos / the photography of consumption of Alex Schneideman / Hackney council consultations about Lincoln court 3 tower blocks next to two reservoirs and nature reserves in North London I was given a tour of the other day/ the life and work of John Deakin / Making Art Work which I’m definitely going to buy once I’m done with my current pile / I asked about death and architecture and people kindly suggested X-ray and architecture, The Birth of a Clinic, Being Mortal / a biography of Bacon I should pick up too / I loved Cold Intimacies so I should also pick up Illouz’s Love Hurts / an upcoming talk organised by Kettle’s yard about Ernest Gimson / saving brutalism up North / Anthony Blunt, the art historian who was a spy who also hung out with Isabel Rawsthorne who was a model who worked on WWII propaganda / they all hung out in the Colony Room / Mary Bethune‘s fantastic life as (among many other things) the only Black woman on the US delegation to form the UN charter. Unsurprisingly, a doco is on its way / the bloody 159 page border operating model which makes me think someone should do something with that in the art work. Like James’s Iraq War piece / Voyage autour de ma chambre written while in jail / the complicated history of the clock on the Arsenal football club grounds / a very nice ambient mix / didn’t know David Sedaris had a waste removal truck in Horsham named after him / the changing fortunes of Alton Estate.

By designswarm

Blogging since 2005.